23 research outputs found

    How Poetry Becomes a Therapeutic Method to Overcome Loss in Rupi Kaur’s "The Sun and Her Flowers."

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    Summary: This dissertation explores how poetry can become a therapeutic method in overcoming psychological trauma related to abandonment and loss. Rupi Kaur is a poet, artist, performer, and the author of The Sun and Her Flowers (2017), a collection of poetry that covers the anguish of love loss and follows a gradual process from grieving to finding a way out of the awful feelings of abandonment, from "wilting" to "blooming." The dissertation pays particular attention to Kaur's life, the thematic, formal, and stylistic aspects to comprehend her poetry and trauma. Moreover, the analysis of poetry will be compared with the theoretical background offered by Susan Anderson's psychological study: A Journey From Abandonment to Healing in order to understand the universal symptoms of the trauma of loss and abandonment through five stages and a selection of Kaur’s poems.Resumen: Este trabajo presenta como la poesía puede convertirse en un método terapéutico para superar el trauma psicológico del abandono y de la pérdida. Rupi Kaur es una poeta, artista, intérprete, y la autora de El Sol y Sus Flores (2017), una colección de poesía que trata sobre la angustia de la pérdida amorosa y que proporciona un proceso gradual desde la aflicción hasta encontrar una forma para escapar de los terribles sentimientos que supone el abandono; desde que te “marchitas” hasta que “floreces”. Esta tesis presta especial atención a la vida de Kaur y a sus aspectos temáticos, formales y estilísticos para entender su poesía y su trauma. Además, el análisis poético será comparado con el marco teórico ofrecido por el estudio psicológico de Susan Anderson: Un Trayecto desde el Abandono hasta la Sanación, con el objetivo de entender los síntomas universales del trauma de la pérdida y el abandono, a través de cinco etapas y una selección de los poemas de Kaur.<br /

    Transmission of tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium caprae between dairy sheep and goats

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    Increasing number of caprine tuberculosis (TB) reports grant the consideration of this zoonosis as an emergingdisease that can play a role in the epidemiology of bovine TB in endemic areas. An outbreak of TB was detectedin a caprine/ovine dairy mixed herd. Tuberculin skin test positive goats and ewes were euthanized and sub-sequent postmortem investigations were performed.Mycobacterium caprae(spoligotype profile SB0157) wasisolated from tuberculous lesions detected in both sheep and goats. Ourfindings evidenced the direct trans-mission of the infection between both species elucidating that not only goats but also sheep may act as domesticreservoirs of TB compromising the eradication of TB in cattle. The results have implications for animal TBepidemiology and public health risk management.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Long-term efficacy of BCG vaccination in goat herds with a high prevalence of tuberculosis

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    Vaccination of goats against tuberculosis (TB) has been promoted as an ancillary tool for controlling the disease in infected livestock herds. A three-year trial to assess the efficacy of BCG vaccine was carried out in five goat herds. At the beginning of the trial (month 0), all animals were tested for TB using thee different diagnostic tests. Animals negative to all tests were vaccinated with BCG and all replacement goat kids were also systematically vaccinated throughout the trial. All animals were tested by Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) using vaccine compatible reagents at months 6, 12, 24, and 36. The risk factors for TB infection were also evaluated. At the end of the study, four out of five farms showed variable reductions of the initial prevalence (93.5%, 28.5%, 23.2%, and 14.3% respectively), and an overall incidence reduction of 50% was observed in BCG vaccinated goats, although adult vaccinated goats showed higher incidences than vaccinated goat kids. The unvaccinated positive animals remaining in herds and adult BCG vaccinated goats significantly enhanced the risk of infection in vaccinated animals. A systematic vaccination of goats with BCG, together with the removal of positive unvaccinated animals, may contribute to reducing the TB prevalence in goat herds.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Long-term efficacy of BCG vaccination in goat herds with a high prevalence of tuberculosis

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    Vaccination of goats against tuberculosis (TB) has been promoted as an ancillary tool for controlling the disease in infected livestock herds. A three-year trial to assess the efficacy of BCG vaccine was carried out in five goat herds. At the beginning of the trial (month 0), all animals were tested for TB using thee different diagnostic tests. Animals negative to all tests were vaccinated with BCG and all replacement goat kids were also systematically vaccinated throughout the trial. All animals were tested by Interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA) using vaccine compatible reagents at months 6, 12, 24, and 36. The risk factors for TB infection were also evaluated. At the end of the study, four out of five farms showed variable reductions of the initial prevalence (93.5%, 28.5%, 23.2%, and 14.3% respectively), and an overall incidence reduction of 50% was observed in BCG vaccinated goats, although adult vaccinated goats showed higher incidences than vaccinated goat kids. The unvaccinated positive animals remaining in herds and adult BCG vaccinated goats significantly enhanced the risk of infection in vaccinated animals. A systematic vaccination of goats with BCG, together with the removal of positive unvaccinated animals, may contribute to reducing the TB prevalence in goat herds

    Evaluation of P22 antigenic complex for the immuno-diagnosis of Tuberculosis in BCG vaccinated and unvaccinated goats

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    Current eradication strategies of tuberculosis (TB) in goats mainly rely on the single intradermal tuberculin test (SIT) and single intradermal cervical comparative tuberculin tests (SICCTs). TB vaccination has been proposed as a cost-effective option in high-prevalence herds or countries where economic compensation for the slaughter of positive animals is not affordable. However, TB vaccination compromises the efficiency of tuberculin-based diagnostic tests. In this study, the performance of a new diagnostic platform, based on the P22 antigenic complex, was assessed for skin test (ST), interferon-gamma release assay (IGRA), and serology under different TB scenarios. The sensitivity (Se) of diagnostic tests was assessed in TB-infected goats from the same farm (herd A, N = 77). The specificity (Sp) was assessed in two TB-negative farms (both vaccinated against paratuberculosis): one TB unvaccinated (herd B, N = 77) and another vaccinated with bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) (herd C, N = 68). The single (s) P22-IGRA showed the highest Se among IGRA tests (91%), and the comparative (c) P22-ST showed the highest Sp (100% in herd B and 98% in herd C). Combined interpretation of techniques enabled the best diagnostic performances. Combining the SICCT + sP22-IGRA improved Se (97%) compared to SICCT + tuberculin-based IGRA (95%), with a reduction of Sp (95 and 100%, respectively). Besides, combination of P22-ELISA with cP22-ST or SICCT elicited a similar performance in the non-vaccination context (Se: 94 and 95%; Sp: 95 and 95%, respectively), but Sp was significantly higher for the combination with cP22-ST compared to SICCT in the TB vaccination context (95 and 79%, respectively). The combination of serological tests based on P22 and MPB83 showed higher complementarity and improved 13 percentage points the Se of P22-ELISA alone. These findings suggest that either cell-mediated or antibody-based diagnostic techniques, using the P22 antigen complex, can contribute to improve the immunodiagnostics of TB in goats under different TB control strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interobserver and Intertest Agreement in Telemedicine Glaucoma Screening with Optic Disk Photos and Optical Coherence Tomography

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    t: Purpose: To evaluate interobserver and intertest agreement between optical coherence tomography (OCT) and retinography in the detection of glaucoma through a telemedicine program. Methods: A stratified sample of 4113 individuals was randomly selected, and those who accepted underwent examination including visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), non-mydriatic retinography, and imaging using a portable OCT device. Participants' data and images were uploaded and assessed by 16 ophthalmologists on a deferred basis. Two independent evaluations were performed for all participants. Agreement between methods was assessed using the kappa coefficient and the prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa (PABAK). We analyzed potential factors possibly influencing the level of agreement. Results: The final sample comprised 1006 participants. Of all suspected glaucoma cases (n = 201), 20.4% were identified in retinographs only, 11.9% in OCT images only, 46.3% in both, and 21.4% were diagnosed based on other data. Overall interobserver agreement outcomes were moderate to good with a kappa coefficient of 0.37 and a PABAK index of 0.58. Higher values were obtained by experienced evaluators (kappa = 0.61; PABAK = 0.82). Kappa and PABAK values between OCT and photographs were 0.52 and 0.82 for the first evaluation. Conclusion: In a telemedicine screening setting, interobserver agreement on diagnosis was moderate but improved with greater evaluator expertise

    Study protocol for a three-arm randomized controlled trial investigating the effectiveness, cost-utility, and physiological effects of a fully self-guided digital Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Spanish patients with fibromyalgia

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    Objective Fibromyalgia (FM) is a prevalent pain syndrome with significant healthcare and societal costs. The aim of the SMART-FM-SP study is to determine the effectiveness, cost-utility, and physiological effects in patients with FM of a digital intervention (STANZA®) currently marketed in the United States, which delivers smartphone-based, fully self-guided Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (Digital ACT) for treating FM-related symptoms. Methods A single-site, parallel-group, superiority, randomized controlled trial (RCT) will be conducted, including a total of 360 adults diagnosed with FM. Individuals will be randomly allocated (1:1:1) to treatment as usual (TAU), to TAU plus 12 weeks of treatment with Digital ACT, or to TAU plus 12 weeks of treatment with digital symptom tracking (i.e. FibroST). Participants will be assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and 6-month follow-up. An intention-to-treat analysis using linear mixed models will be computed to analyze the effects of Digital ACT on functional impairment (primary outcome), as measured by the Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire Revised at 6 months from the inception of the treatment. Secondary outcomes include impression of change, symptoms of distress, pain catastrophising, quality of life, cost-utility, and selected biomarkers (cortisol and cortisone, immune-inflammatory markers, and FKBP5 gene polymorphisms). The role of ACT-related processes of change will be tested with path analyses. Conclusions This study is the first RCT that tests Digital ACT for Spanish patients with FM. Results will be important not only for patients and clinicians, but also for policy makers by examining the cost-utility of the app in a public healthcare context

    Prodromal symptoms and the duration of untreated psychosis in first episode of psychosis patients: what differences are there between early vs. adult onset and between schizophrenia vs. bipolar disorder?

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    To assess the role of age (early onset psychosis-EOP &lt; 18 years vs. adult onset psychosis-AOP) and diagnosis (schizophrenia spectrum disorders-SSD vs. bipolar disorders-BD) on the duration of untreated psychosis (DUP) and prodromal symptoms in a sample of patients with a first episode of psychosis. 331 patients with a first episode of psychosis (7–35 years old) were recruited and 174 (52.6%) diagnosed with SSD or BD at one-year follow-up through a multicenter longitudinal study. The Symptom Onset in Schizophrenia (SOS) inventory, the Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale and the structured clinical interviews for DSM-IV diagnoses were administered. Generalized linear models compared the main effects and group interaction. 273 AOP (25.2 ± 5.1 years; 66.5% male) and 58 EOP patients (15.5 ± 1.8 years; 70.7% male) were included. EOP patients had significantly more prodromal symptoms with a higher frequency of trouble with thinking, avolition and hallucinations than AOP patients, and significantly different median DUP (91 [33–177] vs. 58 [21–140] days; Z = − 2.006, p = 0.045). This was also significantly longer in SSD vs. BD patients (90 [31–155] vs. 30 [7–66] days; Z = − 2.916, p = 0.004) who, moreover had different profiles of prodromal symptoms. When assessing the interaction between age at onset (EOP/AOP) and type of diagnosis (SSD/BD), avolition was significantly higher (Wald statistic = 3.945; p = 0.047), in AOP patients with SSD compared to AOP BD patients (p = 0.004). Awareness of differences in length of DUP and prodromal symptoms in EOP vs. AOP and SSD vs. BD patients could help improve the early detection of psychosis among minors

    Escuela abierta : revista de investigación educativa

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónTítulo, resumen y palabras clave en español e inglésEl Seminario Conciliar de Tui (Diócesis de Tui-Vigo) forma parte de nuestra historia ya que entre sus muros de piedra se han formado muchos de los curas diocesanos que actualmente ejercen. La mayor parte de la información recopilada en este análisis, pertenece a los Boletines Ecle­siásticos del Obispado de Tui, los cuales se encuentran ubicados en la Biblioteca del Seminario Mayor San José de Vigo (Pontevedra). Se pretende dar a conocer de forma panorámica la vertiginosa transformación que ha sufrido la cantera de seminaristas en Galicia, haciendo especial hincapié en la ciudad de Tui. Se traslada al lector a los años 1850-1875, mostrando la realidad sociocultural de aquella época a través de datos cuantitativos para concluir con un estudio sobre la procedencia y hábitos de vida de aquellas generaciones.ES